Audit and Assurance

We plan and perform our audit to ensure that the financial statements are free of material misstatement. We consider both the amount and nature of misstatements when assessing materiality. This helps us determine the most efficient and effective audit approach. We will test transactions and the existence, ownership, and valuation of assets and liabilities.

We will also request written confirmation of oral representations made during the audit. We will also request sight of all documents or statements that are due to be issued with the financial statements.

Tax and Compliance

Accounts and Data offers tax advisory services to help businesses stay compliant with tax laws and save money. Our services include:

  • Tax computation: We help businesses calculate their taxes accurately and efficiently.
  • Tax filing: We file tax returns on behalf of businesses, ensuring that they are filed on time and accurately.
  • Tax planning: We help businesses develop tax strategies that minimize their tax liability.
  • Tax compliance: We help businesses stay compliant with tax laws, avoiding penalties and interest.
  • We understand that tax laws can be complex and ever-changing. That’s why our team of experienced tax Professionals work with businesses to understand their specific needs and provide them with the customized tax advisory services they need to succeed.

Accounting Services

We understand that every business is different. That’s why we work with businesses to understand their specific needs and provide them with the customized accounting services they need to succeed.

Accounts and Data offers accounting services to help businesses improve their financial efficiency and effectiveness. Our services include:

Accounting software set-up: We help businesses choose the right accounting software and set it up to meet their specific needs.

Accounting processes and structures: We help businesses design and implement efficient accounting processes and structures.

Bookkeeping: We provide bookkeeping services to businesses by helping them keep track of their financial transactions using cloud-based accounting software. 

Accounting analysis and reporting: We help businesses analyze their financial data to identify areas of improvement and also we prepare financial reports that help businesses make informed decisions.

Advisory Services

 We provide businesses with advice on a variety of accounting topics. Such as Budgeting, Pricing, Business plans among others. We believe that accounting is more than just bookkeeping. It is a tool that can help businesses improve their financial performance and achieve their goals. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of accounting services to help businesses of all sizes succeed.